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Auto-scoring interactive worksheets

Auto-scoring interactive worksheets

Using the website, you can create free auto-scoring interactive worksheets, assign them via Google Classroom, or send via email. Your students will get immediate feedback and you will be able to check their progress in detail.

Worksheets can be made from pdf, jpg, png, .docx files, or can be created based on a blank file on the website.

To start, you should create a free account at The next step is choosing that worksheet that you like or create your own from scratch.

1- Create a free account

How to create auto scoring interactive worksheets

2- Select create worksheet

How to create auto scoring interactive worksheets

3- Name and describe your worksheet. Upload the file

auto scoring interactive worksheets

4- Explore the toolbar:

auto scoring interactive worksheets
short answers, dropdown, open answers and much more

5- Choose which areas from the worksheet should be clickable and which kind of activity it will be (matching, true or false, dropdown, etc.)

Example of matching activity and the clickable area being selected

6- After you finish editing, return to “my worksheets”, select one and check the assigning options

Creating interactive activities

Creating interactive worksheets on Teacher

In the link below you find a video in Portuguese showing how to create a matching exercise.

If you are a non-Portuguese speaker, visit the Teacher Made official channel on Youtube:

Teacher Made is free because, in 2021, it will be a marketplace where teachers will be able to buy and sell their materials, according to information on its website.

I hope you liked this tip. If you have any comments or suggestions, please drop me a line.

Another interactive resource that I love is Flippity. You can read about it here. For other free interactive activities for online classes, check this link.

Soon I’ll be sharing links for some of my materials there 🙂

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